Tuesday 25 January 2011

First Strike Preview - Black Ops

Despite the actual DLC ( Downloadable Content ) being released in a mere week, I thought i was due for a post.

Anyway my knowledge is rather limited so excuse my , you know , limited knowledge. And yes, I will be using my verdict including the 7 day-a-week system.

Yesterday during Microsoft's Head of xbox live programming major nelson's weekly podcast Treyarch's Dan Bunting announced Call of Duty Black ops' first map pack " first strike " for $15, near enough £10 or 1200 microsoft points for the xbox first ( :D ) also as a part of microsoft's deal to land all Call Of Duty Map Packs First!


Kowloon: Tied in with the Campaign level, Treyarch said that we the community said we like interactive features thus including a zip-wire.

Berlin Wall: Set at " Checkpoint Charlie ",this map has M-G's, two sides and no-mans-land. Behind-enemy-lines type players such as myself will prosper.

Discovery: I dont know much else than it is set in an artic german research station * abandoned*

Stadium: In a , erm, stadium. A football stadium.

Ascension(Zombies) :Right, my time to shine, Asencion is set in a soviet launch facility showing off the old classics : Nikolai,Richtofen,Dempsey and Takeo. New weapons include the Gersch Device ( Black hole Gun ) and *Unprnounceable Russian* Dolls. PPSH-41, *Thundergun AND winters howl.

New perks, Stamin-up ( Marathon ) PhD Flopper (Tatical Mask)

Easter Eggs: Nikolai's vodka is hidden, Find it for power-ups :O

Replacing Hell-Hounds and the pentagon thief is the Cosmic Silverback who works in a familar way to the Pentagon Thief except he steals Perks.

I would give the Game it-self a 4/7 but the DLC a 6/7.

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